08:00 - 08:30
Nautical Channel

Jump on Board

Abenteuerdoku • GB • 30 Minuten


      Welcome to Symi, one of the most popular islands of Greece. The rising dozens of little houses look like temples and are painted with white and yellow colours. Here, the girls will discover the local food, tradition by taking part in a Greek wedding and discover the sea sponges that the island is so famous for before sailing off to Rhodes.

      Zum Serienprofil

      Weitere Folgen

      23. September19:00Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 5 ) Dokumentation GB
      23. September19:30Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 6 ) Dokumentation GB
      24. September08:00Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 5 ) Dokumentation GB
      24. September08:30Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 6 ) Dokumentation GB
      24. September17:00Nautical Channel Jump on Board ( Folge: 5 ) Dokumentation GB


      Jump on Board
      Dienstag 08:09-08:09


        08:30 / Nautical Channel

        Jump on Board

        30 Minuten • Folge 6
        zur Folgesendung