22:30 - 23:00
Nautical Channel

Ride to the Roots

• USA 2020 • 30 Minuten


      Ride to the roots is a simple format documentary series that focuses on athletes and artists. We will, almost literally, ride to the roots of these peculiar characters that have a unique upbringing, personal background, origin or past.Each episode focuses on an athlete as they return to their hometown in an exciting and emotional trip down memory lane. Our protagonists will reunite with important people in their lives (family, friends, coaches, lovers), revisit key locations for their present situation (schools, training centres, homes, fields) and reveal exclusive personal skills, footage and recordings.We will discover the moments that shaped their career as they ride a rollercoaster of emotions when remembering their childhood passion and how it transformed into their professional success.


      Ride to the Roots
      Donnerstag 10:10-11:10


        23:00 / Nautical Channel

        Surfing: ISA World Adaptive Surfing Championship

        World Adaptive Surfing Championship
        30 Minuten
        zur Folgesendung