22:35 - 00:35


SciFi-Film • F, USA 1994 • 120 Minuten
    » Trip ins Reich von Göttern und Aliens «


    Der Ägyptologe Daniel Jackson löst das Rätsel eines Artefakts - es ist ein Tor zu den Sternen. Colonel Jack O'Neil führt die erste Expedition an, die auf eine ferne Wüstenwelt führt. Der tyrannische Sonnengott Ra regiert dort. Was als Forschungsreise begann, entwickelt sich für die Helden bald zu einem gnadenlosen Kampf auf Leben und Tod.

    Zum Serienprofil


    • Regie:
      Roland Emmerich
    • Drehbuch:
      Dean Devlin
    • Drehbuch:
      Roland Emmerich
    • Musik:
      David Arnold
    • Kamera:
      Karl Walter Lindenlaub
    • Schnitt:
      Derek Brechin
    • Schnitt:
      Michael J. Duthie
    • Kurt Russell
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Colonel Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neil
    • James Spader
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Dr. Daniel Jackson
    • Viveca Lindfors
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Catherine Langford
    • Djimon Hounsou
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
    • Erick Avari
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
    • Alexis Cruz
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
    • Mili Avital
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
    • Leon Rippy
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      General W.O. West
    • Carlos Lauchu
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
    • Gianin Loffler
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
    • Derek Webster
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
    • Jaye Davidson
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
    • Christopher John Fields
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Lieutenant Freeman
    • French Stewart
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Lieutenant Feretti
    • Jack Moore
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Lieutenant Moore
    • John Diehl
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Lieutenant Kawalsky
    • Steve Giannelli
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Lieutenant Porro
    • David Pressman
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Assistant Lieutenant
    • Scott Alan Smith
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
    • John Storey
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
    • Richard Kind
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Gary Meyers
    • Erik Holland
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Professor Langford
    • Sayed Badreya
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Arabischer Dolmetscher
    • Rae Allen
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Barbara Shore
    • Cecil Hoffman
      Kurt Russell, James Spader, Viveca Lindfors, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, Leon Rippy, Carlos Lauchu, Gianin Loffler, Derek Webster, Jaye Davidson, Christopher John Fields, French Stewart, Jack Moore, John Diehl, Steve Giannelli, David Pressman, Scott Alan Smith, John Storey, Richard Kind, Erik Holland, Sayed Badreya, Rae Allen, Cecil Hoffman
      Sarah O'Neil

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    31. January20:15Syfy Stargate ( Staffel: 1 | Folge: 1 ) Spielfilm F, USA
    31. January00:25Syfy Stargate: The Ark of Truth - Die Quelle der Wahrheit ( Staffel: 1 | Folge: 3 ) Spielfilm CDN, USA


    Samstag 10:02-12:02


    00:35 / Syfy

    Sci Xpert - Leschs Universum

    10 Minuten • Staffel 1 • Folge 9
    zur Folgesendung