15:30 - 16:00
Nautical Channel

The Spirit of Yachting

Segelmagazin • GB 2019 • 30 Minuten


      Dive into the fascinating sport of yacht racing with insight into the exciting experiences of seasoned yachters and sailing enthusiasts. Learn all about the thrill of sailing events and yacht races, as well as the participants' drive and motivations.

      Zum Serienprofil

      Weitere Folgen

      20. September15:00Nautical Channel The Spirit of Yachting ( Folge: 1 ) Magazin GB
      20. September15:30Nautical Channel The Spirit of Yachting ( Folge: 2 ) Magazin GB
      20. September23:00Nautical Channel The Spirit of Yachting ( Folge: 1 ) Magazin GB
      20. September23:30Nautical Channel The Spirit of Yachting ( Folge: 2 ) Magazin GB
      21. September09:00Nautical Channel The Spirit of Yachting ( Folge: 1 ) Magazin GB


      The Spirit of Yachting
      Freitag 03:09-04:09


        16:00 / Nautical Channel

        Dangerous Waters

        Keep Going
        60 Minuten • Staffel 7 • Folge 14
        zur Folgesendung