22:30 - 23:00
Nautical Channel

Wild Surf

Surfen • GB • 30 Minuten


      In this episode, we take a look at 'Cross Culture Surf', a pioneering cultural exchange between the Basque country and Ireland. Then we're off to sunny California, where David Barr showcases an amazing new technology, allowing surfers to customize their ride. Then we're checking out and up and coming contender in the UK surf scene.

      Zum Serienprofil

      Weitere Folgen

      20. September22:00Nautical Channel Wild Surf ( Staffel: 1 | Folge: 5 ) Sport GB
      20. September22:30Nautical Channel Wild Surf ( Staffel: 1 | Folge: 6 ) Sport GB
      27. September22:00Nautical Channel Wild Surf ( Staffel: 2 | Folge: 1 ) Sport GB
      27. September22:30Nautical Channel Wild Surf ( Staffel: 2 | Folge: 2 ) Sport GB
      29. September21:00Nautical Channel Surfing: ISA World Adaptive Surfing Championship Sport


      Wild Surf
      Freitag 10:09-11:09


        23:00 / Nautical Channel

        The Spirit of Yachting

        TP52 World Championship
        30 Minuten • Folge 3
        zur Folgesendung